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Tim Maloney

There are some things in life that go beyond explanation. It was in the mid 1980's that I was employed in NYC while working towards my masters degree. I was employed by Federal Express during the morning hours of 7am to about 1pm in the afternoon. I met a  co-worker named Peter who would speak of his mom and younger brother often saying that his mom and brother were living examples of FAITH. He spoke of very difficult struggles the younger brother had to deal with and that his brothers life may not be too long in this world. He spoke of the Faith that his mom had and how she would share it. I would hear about how she was involved with one of the strongest churches in the World and that it was a church in Brooklyn. His mom was involved in the Grass Roots of a special place of Worship called Brookly tabernacle. Interesting thing was I visited  that church many times before and after Peters conversation with me. I was probably in the church when Peters mom and brother were also worshiping. Well time went by. Some fifteen years. I had lost touch with Peter after leaving federal express and now I was in Gainesville Florida.  Coaching at the University of Florida in the mens basketball program. While with the program we did many things to try and help our players and all those involved grow stonger and better as a team. One of the things we did was go to Shands the hospital which the school had a strong relationship. While visiting the hospital with a staff member we were were asked to come and try to lighten up the day of some young people who were in serious health crisis. One nurse came up to us just before we were getting ready to head back to school. She she said that there was a young man and his mom that were waiting on a heart for a heart transplant. We were asked if we would be interested in meeting them. We both said absolutely and with that the nurse went to see if we would be recieved by this mom and son team. Upon entering the room we saw a young / thin young man sitting up in bed and his mom at the foot of the bed. They were introduced as David and his mom Sonia. The young man said "Hey you are a Gator coach right?"   I responded yes I am. He said well I am a Florida State fan in football but I am open to be a Gator fan in basketball. His smile and quick wit was more than just fun. It had the ability to make dissappear any thoughts that this young man was in any kind of difficult situation. I sat entertained by this magician and comedian. He could make the pain of the moment dissapear as only a true magician could do and he would find a way to make you laugh while doing so. THere is one moment that stuck out. This young boys mom started to talk about the night before we came to visit. She spoke of how many times Davids heart stopped beating and how he had to be revived. With tears welling up on his mom and the rest of us the comedian David stepped in and said "hey mom come on, what are we supposed to do about this CRY.... BOOO HOOO. I am alive mom lets have some fun." His mother went on to praise God for all of this and the young boy did the same. I continued to listen to the stories and watch these two special people communicate to us. We were there to encourage these two but what happened was they encouraged us. I was amazed beyond words that this young boy laughed at death. Everyone in the room was forced through laughter to get past the situation of his health  and focus on his being hear and alive today. WOW...  As I listened to stories and watched the boy speak I began to think that he reminded me of the family Peter Bandoo spoke of some fifteen years earllier. I asked if he had any bothers or sisters. I heard the name Peter and almost fell on my face. I looked at David and said does your brother still say "YEAH BOOOOOOOOOY!!!!!!" I went on to say that I worked with his brother so  many years ago and that Peter spoke of David and his mother (Sonia) many times. We all could not believe it. How could this happen? This can not be LUCK. Sonia said that God had ordained this meeting and we knew she was 100% correct.  We began to pray together and thank God for this opportunity. We prayed for David to have a donor heart soon and Sonia prayed for us as well. We all hugged and we were all really moved. I would go back to our head coach Billy Donovan and tell him what happened. I spoke to him about Davids courage and the way he laughed at death. He asked me to speak to our guys about what happened and we did that very thing in our next practice. I tried to remain in touch with David and his mom but within a short time David had a donor heart and the operation was at hand. Again, I was amazed that this all happened so fast. It would be about a year before we found each other again. I had tried many times to get in touch with them but the hospital was not allowed to tell us where they were living. Then just before we were to play the University of Kentucky in a really big basketball game at UF I decided to go to Shands and the floor I first met the Bandoos. The Nurse told me that she would get word to the family. She said that David had the successful surgery and that he had a new heart. She went on to say he would come back and speak to the people on the floor to encourage them. In truth his was a walking miracle. We got in touch just before we were to play UK at Florida. Billy said we should get David and his mom to pray with our team. We do that very thing and it was really special. David was asked to sit on the bench with the team. We went on to beat the University of Kentucky. After the game another interesting thing happened. Hishimo Evans was a player on Kentucky. He was considered the heart and soul of the team. A transfer from Manhattan college in NYC that proved to be a big time player. Well he can into the Florida locker room to see his God-mother. Sonia Bandoo was his God mother. Faith was always a part of the Billy Donovan basketball program. My thought is that the faith part began to take a life of its own. It grew to an NCAA final not to many months later. Even when we would not come out on top in the final game of the year in 2000,  Sonia told us to all praise God. She spoke of  two Championships in the near future. I thought her words were encouraging but saying that two championships were in the future was really reaching.  Well it is now over ten years ago and truth be told "the truth was told." There many different times since those days in Gainesville that the Bandoos have blessed the Maloneys. In life there are times of great joy and times of great challenge. The Bandoos have been there for us in all of them. We do not live near one another and circumstance limits our abiltity to get in the near geography wise, you are forever in our hearts. Love to you all. Like you used to say Peter.... YEAH BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOYYYYYY!!!!!!

Pastor Karl "The Rev" Anderson

Wow!  I must admit this comes as such a shock to us as David brighten our lives every time he came around.  Oh, how I loved his Ray Charles impersonations.  David was an fun-loving, awesome, phenomenal and sweet individual who everyone loved to be around.  I really miss David.  I remember when he and his mother went to a gospel concert in Lakeland, Fl. with us on a charter bus.  The bus rocked to and fro with the comedy of David.  In addition, I miss my friend Evangelist Sanya Bandoo.  I can recall I first met them at the book sale at the Holiday Inn West in Gainesville.  We clicked from the start!  I can even recall how she blessed our hearts on the radio.  Miss Bandoo subsequently joined the Widow's Wings ministry of Upper Room Ministries where we had an opportunity to wrap our loving arms around her.  We were just as blessed to have her and David around.  She would sing and speak words of inspiration. 

In closing, again I am shocked but one thing that I am very aware of and that is David is in good hands with the Lord.  I am sure the Lord welcomed him with open arms, because his beloved David finally came home.  How fitting David?  A name that means, "Beloved."  A man who loved many and beloved by many.

Evangelist Bandoo, please contact us at kanderson@sunshinebroadcasting.com or 352-339-3851.  I really want to talk with you and continue to wrap our loving arms around you.


Pastor Karl and Lady Brecka Anderson

Upper Room Ministries

Widows Wings


Joshy Bandoo

Just a Poem For You!!


29 years ago god sent an angel dat didnt cause any trouble

 a person dat wud bring yu up wen yu had a popped bubble

 the one that wud make yu smile wen yu feelin down

or make yu turn dat frown upside down

he was brave man wasnt scared of no clowns

but now hes back in his hometown

some say brooklyn but i say heaven

havein heart problems before the age of seven

people take for granted the thing we call life

all he wanted was to live on his own and have a wife

but im glad he went to a better place but it hurt so badd as if i was being stabbed with a knife

he always asking family & friends when are they going to come visit

they give him a date and he said he wouldnt miss it

others said they were going to come chill and he said fareal

but it took the funereal

but that's my homie tho a true friend a capanion

the one when you a loss a game he call you a champion

but i know one day imma see you again maybe not today or tha next day but one day

people dont know how hard this afected me

so excuse me ladyies & gentelmen im finna bring back the memories

something thats going to go deep down into the family tree

just remember when it wus just you & me

down in springhill crusing down the streets

didnt care bout what other people think

hittin up rour favorite fast food resturant gettin a bite to eat

but me n yu were always ready to  fight

but now wen i look into da light all i see is you

so now ur never out of my sight

and every time you smiled your face shined bright

the only thing that seperates us is the height

so the only way i could touch you was if i was flying a kite


-I Love You Uncle Dave

Josh Bandoo

Timmy Maloney

To Mom Bandoo,


I want to thank you for being the instrument that God used to make a difference in my life. The way God worked for you to connect with the Maloney family will always be a special miracle for me. When Peter and I were working together in NYC he spoke of his special mother who had a true relationship with God. He spoke of his miracle brother. That God would bring us together some seventeen years later is a clear sign that God is in control of all things and his hand is on his children. I must tell you that David and Peter shared the same conversation with me regarding a Mom that has true faith. David felt blessed from God to have you be his Mom. Your faith walk inspired him and  many others. You told me that "Joy comes in the morning".  Thanks for being a part of many of my mornings. 

Aunt Monica Bandoo
David, the first time I met you, you were a mere 3-year-old beautiful child. We spent the short time together on a boat going to Bear Island.
The next visit, you were a young man of 16 and you took me to a play you were performing in, I really enjoyed that!
Our other encounter was when you came to England on a visit aged 19. You gave us eight fun filled days of laughter, a real comedian and guardian of your mom, nephew and niece.
We will miss you here, but know we will meet in heaven someday.
Total Memórias: 18
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