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Lauren Bandoo

I can't believe that uncle dave is really gone! My favorite memories of uncle dave are just when uncle dave was around me, no matter what mood i was in uncle dave could always make me feel better! With his awesome sense of humer uncle dave could always light up a room! Uncle dave was my hero because no matter what condition he was in he would never stop smiling and thanking god that he was still alive! I love him with ALL my heart and i pray to see him in heaven one day! By the i love your interpertations of the old guy from family guy!

mathew bandoo

wow, i cant belive hes gone...However, i will never forget all the many  good times with uncle dave...my favorite one was about 5 years ago...my dad let me stay with uncle dave in florida while him and my sister went back to georiga. and my dad left me with a few dollars. so me and ucle dave went to toys R us and bought a toy boat, becuase he always wanted one..so we put our money together and bought it. we were so exited that we went straight to the pool to test it. then, beleive it or not, the water messed up the motor. so the next day nana took us back to get another one. but i guess we took to long and nana left us there...so me and uncle dave went around and went from store to store to store just hanging out and passing the time away...finally we stared to make our way back to the apartment and just as we are about to turn into the spot nana pulls out to go picks us up...and keeps driving so uncle dave stared to run as fast as he chould to catch nana and she finally stoped...and took us to the chinese place and uncle dave stared to crack jokes like he alwas does, with all his vocies. and those who was as close to my uncle as i was would understand  why he was such a joy to be around and no matter what kinda mood you were in he would make you feel better...and this may seem not to memorable but my absoulte favorite memories of uncle dave was just the fact that me and uncle dave whould stay up till all hours of the night just taking about nothing at all or just talking about  every thing in the world....i love him and will never forget the look on his face when i whould hug him..and i wil never forget his favorite phrase....."he he ..alll riiittee".....i love you uncle dave

Barbara Williams

David and I shared 9 years together whenever he was hospitalized at Shands and on a few occasions in clinic. Despite his reluctance to all things medical, he always acquiesced eventually with a smile. I will always remember David's charming personality and determination for selfhood. He had great spirit and faith and a desire to share whatever he could with everyone around him. I never saw him turn away from anyone and have frequently thought that was an amazing trait for someone who was not feeling very well at times. He called me Ms. B and now I smile whenever I think of that. I will remember David with grand affection. Despite his short life, he made a great impression on all who were blessed to know him.


Uncle Joe Bandoo
David, As child you thought-life is a gift, Given and taken at some unkown time. Your time came too soon - your life was over in a flash. The fun you shared, the joy you brought, All just a memory-behind us. Love the Bandoo family
Nikki Cassidy
Meeting David for the first time on thanksgiving, he was soo funny and very thoughtful. I remember him taking me around to show the house he lives in and telling stories at the table, and getting told to be quiet from his mom so he could finish his food. He was nice to me and always smiling.
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