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Dan Nicholls Isaiah 43:2 January 8, 2008

Dearest Sister Sonia,

My heart and prayers are going out for you.  Losing a child has got to be a very tough thing, but I'm sure you are drawing on the strength and comfort of the Lord. You may not remember me, but in the Brooklyn Tabernacle balcony back in '97 God used you mightily to encourage and strengthen me. I will never forget your words of knowledge.

 I was so burdened by a calling God had put on my heart, but the trials I was going through and the odds of God's call coming true seemed insurmountable...but then after the last Sunday service that September day, basking in the presence of the Holy Spirit, a stranger tapped me on the shoulder and said, "I have a word from the Lord for you."  I replied, "Yes."  And you clearly said, "Do not look to the left or the right, but keep on going by faith, doing what I have commanded you to do." I was so impacted by what God had done through you, one could have knocked me over with a feather.  I cannot thank you enough.

I can't help but you go through this trial, perhaps those same impacting words that you gave me in my time of need, would be a strength and comfort coming back to you in your time of trial. "Do not look to the left or the right, but keep on going by faith, doing what I have commanded you to do."  PTL 

Love in Christ,


 II Corinthinians 12:9a  "And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness."




May the Lord comfort you in this time of loss. We remember David as having that angelic smile all the time in spite of what he was going through, what an encouragement he has been to all of us. What a privilege to have known David.

He pressed on and now he has the Prize! What a wounderful example of Jesus Christ you have instilled in your children. David was a living testimony of Gods amazing love and grace and we were honored to have been a part of it. Love you always, and sincerely praying for your comfort,  In Christ Jesus

Timmy Maloney Amazing Grace January 8, 2008

To the Bandoo family, we extend our deepest thanks. Thanks for your friendship and for the love you have shared and recieved over the many years we have known you.  When I first met Peter while working together in NYC, he spoke of his  family. The conversations included all his family members. Pete has a loyalty and love of family. One evening out on the town in Manhattan, Peter and I were talking about God and faith . He brought up his mother and spoke with great respect because he viewed her as Faith in Action. Peter also spoke of his brother who was fighting many health battles and yet had a sense of humor second to none.  Listening to his words regarding his mom and brother encouraged me in my own faith walk. We worked together for a few years and then life and opportunity led us in new directions. Some fifteen years later, while working as an assistant basketball  coach, I visited Shands Hospital in order to spend some time with young people who were in the hospital fighting health battles. I was led to one room by a nurse who spoke of a young man waiting for a heart transplant and of his loving mother who was at his side.  Once in the room, I experienced an amazing energy from this young patient who lay in the bed in front of me. He was not only upbeat, he was absolutely a comedian. At one point, this young man's mother shared how he had come back from death's door three times the night before my visit. Her pain showed itself, but it was tempered by her faith. Quickly, the boy responded and said, "Mom, come on, I mean what are we supposed to do, cry? Let's have some fun instead."  His facial expressions and the way he chose to laugh at death has stayed with me ever since. I will never be able to explain what happened next other than to say there is a God who works in our lives and provides special events that proves His presence. As this boy and mother were speaking to me, Peter Bandoo's story of his family came to my mind. Spurred on by this, I asked the boy if he had brothers. To my amazement, he mentioned a brother named Peter. At this point, I interrupted and asked, "Does he still say the expression 'YEAH BOOOOY'?"  The boy's look of amazment and surprise was followed by a "Praise be to God"  from this faithful mother. Fifteen years after my conversation with Peter Bandoo, in a state hundreds of miles from New York, God in His mysterious and merciful providence had me standing face to face with the family of whom Peter spoke. In a lifetime, I never would have predicted that. I left that hospital a different person from the one who had walked in to be a help for patients in need. I walked out as the person who had been uplifted and blessed. When I was back at work, I shared the experience with the other coaches and we shared it with our team. David would receive his heart transplant, and a year later, with his new heart, David became an honorary assitant coach for our basketball team and sat on our bench for a big game. That night, Sonia prayed a powerful prayer about faith and running the race to win. We won the game, but more importantly, we were present to witness examples of amazing grace in action in the lives of David and Sonia Bandoo on that night and for many nights to come. Mom Bandoo and son David continue to be an example for my family and I.


"Mom" Bandoo, although we have not lived near each other for the past five years, you have always been near to us. Sonia, you lifted me up with God's words so many times. Most recently, you did so sharing the scripture: "Weeping may tarry for a night but Joy comes with the morning". It has made all the difference for us and I now share it with you. Amazing Grace is all I think about when I think of you guys. We love you.


Luis and Lavinia Acosta Philippians 1:21-22 January 8, 2008

Dear sister Bandoo and all your friends and family,


My sincere and heart felt condolences for the parting of your son.

We thank God for his brief life, but we also thank God for the joy he brought.

I remember David always smiling or saying a joke.  I remember that he looked for every opportunity to bring laughter .  I admire the fact that the Word of God lived in him, and the joy of the Lord was absolutely his strenght.  I know you will miss him, but he already changed his clothes into his Glory clothes, so rejoice with him.  To live for me is Christ, and death is gain.  Halleluyah!


Sincerely and with the same hope in Christ Jesus

Lavinia, and Luis Acosta

Debi A Mom who knows January 8, 2008

I am so sorry for the loss of your handsome David.  He sounds as if he knew it was time and that in his heart, he was ready.  God bless him in his new home as he learns that he was live for all eternity and never suffer again.  He will always be a part of your lives and will live on through his many special memories.  The void in your heart at this time, will begin to ease somewhat, but missing him will be there, just as you eat and sleep and breath.  May God hold you tightly and comfort you in your time of sorrow and need.

Please visit our son if you elect to do so.

Be Blessed,


Michael & Vilma Archibald David Bandoo January 8, 2008
Dear Sister Bandoo and Family, May the Lord strengthen you and may you be comforted in the knowledge that David is now is the presence of the Lord. David will never be forgotten. He's a testimony of God's faithfulness. He was raised by a woman of God and surrounded with a family that loved him. You are in our thoughts and prayers! Love, Michael & Vilma Archibald
Renee Lewis Deepest Condolences January 8, 2008

Dearest Sister Bandoo and family,

My Memories of David are fond ones.  There was not a time when David would not come and visit me at the sound board where I worked.  He'd say something like I had to come and see you!  Always there was a smiling face and words full of laughter and encouragement.  He was a sweet and precious soul!  I will miss him greatly.  I know he's praising God with my Mama!  Be comforted dear sweet Bandoo family, we will see him again!!!  God's grace to you all love always and forever Renee Lewis.

1Thessalonians 4:13 

Gerie Crawford A Poem for David January 8, 2008

Death is nothing but a moment's rest
Until the Second Coming of the Lord
When He shall gather to Him of the best
To take them to the place of their reward.
I've felt the power of Jesus in my soul
Shining like a golden sun within,
Melting my hard heart to make me whole,
Burning out the remnants of my sin.
I've felt Him work within me, so I know
The glory that will come when I awake.
I'll sleep just like a child who'll homeward go,
And in my dreams of love great pleasure take.
So do not mourn my death, and do not grieve.
The Lord will come for me: This I believe.

You fought the brave fight and victory is yours.

Peace and Prayers to the Bandoo Family,

With Love,

Gerie Crawford and Family

The Lewis Family Kevin January 8, 2008

To the Bandoo Family,

This is bitter sweet. We send out love and prayer to your family. David's life has been a great testimony. Thank God that we know that we have hope and that we will one day see David again.


God has truly been great!

Fay & family Sharon's aunt January 8, 2008
May God comfort you all at this time of sorrow. I was fortunate to meet David and I am very grateful to have known him as he was such a loving happy person. David was blessed to have such a caring and loving Mother like you Sonia. I will always remember David at Janet's wedding.  May God bring you comfort, love and peace.
                            Our prayers are with you and your family
Carol sargent Our Prayers are with the family January 8, 2008
A Rose No Sweeter”


There is a rose no sweeter,

Nor song more joyful than,

A life that sings a rhapsody,

Meant for all to savor and hear.

A grace and peace,

Whose memories we need not fear,

Bread from heaven,

A Word spoken in victory’s cheer!


Sojourn, Sojourn!

We all pass on this way, but

How we arrive,

Makes a path we craved to make.

Years of beauty, and timeless honor,

Grace for all our needs,

Few become and became us all,

Through suffering out all our tears.


Let us hope and pray,

When our time is come,

That we, whether worn or new,

Pressed and blessed the name of Jesus,

Through life’s many storms,

As a rose no sweeter,

Did for us,

To God’s highest call!

Paulie, Danyel & Paul We Will Miss You January 8, 2008

We are fortunate that we were able to see you at Paulie's wedding and not knowing that the next time we meet will be in Heaven sitting at the Masters Feet.  Your life was apurpose for others to pattern and follow, we will miss your smile and your warmth we know that to be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord Rest In Peace Cousin.

You will always be in our Hearts.

Paulie, Danyel & Paul Sr.

Janet and Carlos Martinez Sharon's sister January 8, 2008

Dear David when you came to our wedding in september,2000, you made us laugh. You showed us to have joy despite life's trial.You had the "joy of the Lord", and now you go ahead of us to make heaven laugh. May God continue to bless and comfort your family. Til we meet again.






"The joy of the Lord is my strength"  Nehemiah 8:10

The Locke Family May God Comfort You January 7, 2008

Sister Bandoo and Family,


We pray that God would comfort you and your family during this time.  But we know that David is present with our Savior Jesus Christ and has been made completely whole in His presence. 

You and David have been a tremendous blessing to our family and a testament to the faithfulness of our God.  We are so thankful that God lent David to you for these many years and we are thankful that we were able to know him and watch him grow in happiness and in faith in the Lord.  We will never forget his sense of humor and smile. 

We pray that God will continue to increase your faith and we know that His grace is sufficient to carry you through.  We love you and will continue to keep you in our thoughts and prayers.



The Locke Family

The Braumullers With the Lord January 7, 2008

Yes, we are fully confident, and we would rather be away from these bodies, for then we will be at home with the Lord.  II Corinthians 5:8


Our very dear Bandoo family, each of us are with all of you in spirit and in prayer.  David was always a joy to be around and he was such an uplifter.  We are uplifted, in knowing that he is now rejoicing in Heaven for eternity.  He is totally renewed and will know no more pain and suffering. 


We will forever cherish the memories and are grateful for the bond of familial friendship that God has granted our families.


Sister Bandoo, you have been a true inspiration to us throughout David's journey.  We know that God is pleased with you, His faithful servant.


We love you all,


Aretha and Family, Marlon and Family, Robby and Family, Dwight and Family, and Stan the man!

Samantha Roman Friend January 7, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo and family,


Howard was kind enough to let me know of David's home going.  While my heart is breaking for you, I am joyfully rejoicing that David is WHOLE in the presence of God.  No more pain.  No more weakness.  No more shortness of breath. He is free and perfect now.


I do love you and share fond memories of you, David and the family.  My prayers are with you during this time of loss.


God bless you and the family,


The Garbacki Family Thankful... January 6, 2008
Our family is thankful to have met David. We often lifted his name before our Lord as our family gathered to pray. We are also thankful that we can rejoice in our glorious hope found in Christ Jesus that David is now more alive than ever. We know that David is only separated from us by the time we have left on earth. After we are called home we shall see David again in Heaven. Our prayers are with the Bandoo family- despite knowing that David is with his Savior, it is difficult to feel his absence. Even for those of us who mainly know him at church. May God bless David's family and grant them all His perfect peace. In Christ's Love, Rev. Pete, Loiana, Virgínia and Alcione Vastí Garbacki
The Garricks Our Prayers Are With You January 6, 2008
To Sister Bandoo and Family, keeping you in our prayers. 

David was fortunate to have had such a woman of God for his mom.  We are grateful to have known him.  His life has been a visible example of how faithful, gracious and  good God is. 

We thank God for the time that he allowed us to have with him.  His smile and enthusiasm will always be remembered.
Evie Heartfelt Condolences to the Bandoo Family... January 6, 2008

May God help to comfort all of you during this time of sorrow... sorrow because you will all miss David very much, however... let there be some tears of joy because he has left so many loving and wonderful memories with you all, and it is of comfort to believe that he is now with his father in heaven. 

Special consideration goes to Mrs. Sonia Bandoo:  David was truly blessed to have a loving, caring, amazing Mother like you.  I will always admire you for your perseverance, strength, resilience, and faith in God.  God will always have blessings for you... because of the great Mother and Woman that you are.  May God bring you special comfort, love, and peace at this time and always. 

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