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F. Pérez MY deepest condolences January 3, 2019

Can something good be said about death?
It Separates friends, families and sows pain, grief and sadness.
The Bible says that death is our great enemy.
However, the Bible also gives us hope!
John 5: 28, 29 as well as Acts 24:15; indicate that there will be a resurrection of the just and unjust.
Psalm 37:29 also promises that the righteous will possess the Earth.
Through the pages of the Bible we can acquire knowledge and guidance that help us face the loss of our loved ones…It gives us a sure hope.
Please go to the following link for more information regarding the Hope expressed in this passage

beloved Mother condolence re Aunty Alice August 19, 2011
 My sweet beloved son David, you know Aunty Alice has made it over on the other side.  I pray you all had a happy reunion.  Aunty and I prayed to Jesus many times for forgiveness and deliverance to make it into heaven.  I believe she made it because she believed the salvation message.

I saw you in a dream telling me to come go see the children.  It was so clear I love your memory and the plan of God for us to meet again.  I see how healthy and strong you are in the dreams.

I still weep with joy to know that I will be with you and Howie, Aunty Enid, Grandma, Aunty Alice and other saints that have gone ahead on the journey.
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy Heavenly Birthday May 15, 2010
marty youre not forgotten September 20, 2009

my dear sister bandoo and family:

just letting you know that david and howie havent been forgotten. and you my dear sister youre in my prayers. i thank the lord for the strenght that he continue to give you and the rest of the family. you and your family are dearly loved. with lots of love marty and family

mom 2 Waylon Kitchens Happy 4th July 2, 2009
Happy 4th of July! 
Abraham Portalatin To a friend October 29, 2008

I've know david for over two two decades, I have not seen him in years but I still remember that magical smile that generated so much happiness.  David had gone through so much pain and physical challenges throuhout his life But Davide loved the Lord and trusted with all his heart.  God kept him until He called him home. 

From Abraham, Janette, Gabriella and Judy 

Howard Bandoo David Edward Sabastian Bandoo August 30, 2008

A friend, a brother, ad a son, you'll be missed for days to come.  Fly away my brother, fly away.  I never thought this day would come, when I would have to say goodbye.  You're a "Hall of Famer" in our hearts today, leavng behind loving thoughts that will live on.


You've touched many hearts in our 29 years.  Our eyes are filled with tears, wishing you were here.  You've graduated to a level that we are trying to reach, a place that you will shine, leaving all your problems behind.  Fly my brother, fly.  Fly into the arms that have been holding you all this time.


This is not what we had in mind.  We wanted more of you.  Wishing we could turn back the hands of time, if only we could repeat the days of yesterday and rewind the memories of all the years you've left behind.  We would laugh, play, pray together as if it were today.  You'll be missed, but not forgotten.  It's so hard to say goodbye. 


My heart is filled with sorrows, but overflowing with love for you.  You are definitely one of a kind.  Mr. David Edward Sabastian Bandoo, I just wanted to say we love you and miss you too. 


Farewell little brother, farewell.



Pastor Karl "The Rev" Anderson Peace of God May 20, 2008

Philippians 1:2
Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.


Bandoo Family,

May the peace of God shower you as you go through the pain of missing David.  God will give you peace that surpasseth all understanding that will guard your heart and mind through Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:7 And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.) In other words, he will give you peace even when it does not make sense for you to have peace. 


In closing, I know it does not make for you to have peace right now but God is powerful enough to give it you.  If you can believe it, then you can receive it.




Pastor Karl "The Rev" Anderson


 Philippians 4:9
Whatever you have learned or received or heard from me, or seen in me—put it into practice. And the God of peace will be with you.

Margaret Jones To a Strong Christian Family March 26, 2008
Sonia, It has been a long time.  I recently spoke to Brenda Henderson and she informed me of your son's homegoing.  You are a wonderful mother and I am so moved by the amount of compassion and love poured out from all the members of your family.  It is a testimony.  In case you have forgotten me.  I was a member of Brooklyn Tabernacle in the late 70's and the early 80's.  I married Lloyd Jones in 1983. (My maiden name was McGrady)  We had our first born in 1984.  You were our first babysitter. Our firstborn's nickname was C.J.  Lloyd was the first band director for Carol Cymbala.  I was very good friends of Ben Harney, Olive Harney, Brenda Henderson, Brenda Davis,Earl Miller, Jonette Miller, and (of course) you.  Please accept my sincerest condolences on the passing of David.  What a testimony!!  His living was not in vain.  Much love and prayers to you and your family. Love, Margaret  P.S.  I have 4 children. (Cee Jay 23, Matthew 18, Callister 16, and Victoria 9)  We are living in Fort Washington, MD.  Lloyd is an ordained pastor.  His responsibilities are over the Music and the Performing Arts ministries.  I am a licensed minister and have been teaching elementary school for past 12 years.  Lloyd and I travel and perform our original music and poetry as a couple. Our address is 9304 Allentown Road, Fort Washington, MD 20744. 240-244-1776,,
Nandell and Yvonne Palmer David Made the World A Better Place February 27, 2008
I was privileged to be the emcee at David's 19th birthday in Brooklyn, New York. I still remember that auspicious occasion with vivid memory. David was very much elated and full of vim. Feasting from sapid Jamaican fare: Ackee and saltfish, oxtail and butter beans, rice and peas, we all had a lovely time on David's special day. Some of us even sang along with those melodious tunes wafting throughout the room with food in our mouths, ushering God's praises for that special young man. David meanwhile was very much himself: charismatic, jocular, and gregarious. I shall never forget that day for more than one reason. Sonia Bandoo and my wife even became closer after our leaving that wonderful reception. And to boot, we had made that restaurant one of our favorite eating spots in Brooklyn. The food was out of this world. Thanks, Sonia, for inviting us to David's party. We will be eternally grateful to you and your family. This nonpareil young man will always be a part of our memory. Continue to be reminded of your son's laughter, one smile at a time, and the myriad joy he had brought to young and old alike.

Much blessings.
nicholson & ruseline alcendor The wind blows February 23, 2008

We praise God that we met you, bro David. Although our time together was short, you were a tremendous blessing and encouragement, an example of Virtue. Now you are truly in the Land of the Living with the Living God in Heaven.

Ps 116:15  Precious in the sight of the LORD is the death of his saints.

1Co 5:3  For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed.

Mary Freeman Clinical Social Worker February 5, 2008

Dear Sonja and family,

     Please accept my deepest sympathy.  David was a very special young man.  I was very blessed to be able to "join hands" with him on part of his life's journey.  I strongly believe that I learn a great deal from the young people and their families that I meet and work with as they take the path of transplant.  The kids are awesome in the strength and resilience they have to walk this path.  The families are the ones who give them the strength and resilience.  David loved all of you very much.  David and all of you are very special people.  I treasure the moments we had together. 


With love and sympathy, Mary

Mary Freeman, LCSW Clinical Social Worker February 5, 2008

Dear Sonja and family,


Huy & Van & Tracey & Jasmine Our condolence January 31, 2008

Dear Ms. Sonia Bandoo & family:


It must be a great loss to your family when David passed away.  When he spoke of his mother I could feel the love and admiration for her in his voice.  He is such a gentle person and his time on this earth is much to brief. 


We were very touched by a poem 'The Dash' by Linda Ellis read by a pastor at my father's in law funeral last year.  We hope it may also provide some comfort to your family.




Huy, Van, Tracey, & Jasmine Le


'The Dash' by Linda Ellis


I read of a man who stood to speak

At the funeral of a friend
He referred to the dates on her tombstone

From the beginning to the end.


He noted that first came the date of her birth

And spoke of the following date with tears,
But he said what mattered most of all

Was the dash between those years.


For that dash represents all the time

That she spent alive on earth.
And now only those who loved her

Know what that little line is worth.


For it matters not, how much we own;

The cars, the house, the cash,
What matters is how we live and love

And how we spend our dash.


So think about this long and hard.

Are there things you'd like to change?
For you never know how much time is left,

That can still be rearranged. 


If we could just slow down enough

To consider what's true and real
And always try to understand

The way other people feel.


And be less quick to anger,

And show appreciation more
And love the people in our lives

Like we've never loved before.


If we treat each other with respect,

And more often wear a smile
Remembering that this special dash

Might only last a little while.


So, when your eulogy's being read

With your life's actions to rehash
Would you be proud of the things they say

About how you spend your dash?

Uncle Wilfred & Aunt Monica Deepest Condolences January 30, 2008

Dear Sonia,


Sorry to hear of David's passing and we offer our deepest condolences.


David was a fine young man who meant the world to you, but as you know, God has decided to call him home to be with him.  I pray that each thought of this will touch your heart and bring you peace and strength.

Uncle Sam, Aunty Flor & Family To Sonia & Family January 23, 2008

Heart felt sympathies at this difficult time.

A better place lies in wait For all who reach heavens golden gate.

We pray that the Lord will give you strength and courage during this period

because he has promised not to give us more than he can bare.


Love and Blessings  

Beverley Drayton David - A Great Blessing January 21, 2008

We are sadden by the news of David's passing, but we know that he is with Jesus and all the other saints who have gone on ahead of us, like Pastor Byrd, Danny Valesco, and Pastor Boekstaaf.  We will certainly miss not having the opportunity to speak with David, but I consider myself fortunate to have spoken to him, last year.  I remember the fun we had shooting pool and our many conversations about Star Trek.  David always had a sense of humor and was so much fun to be with.  We will always thank the Lord for giving us David for the short period of time that he was with us.

Sister Bandoo, we thank God for your tremendous faith, which stands as an example for all of us.

Our deepest sympathy to you and your family. Our prayers are with you.

Love Beverley, Brendaly and Christina

JOANNE GALLO January 20, 2008
paula patterson shands artist January 16, 2008

dearest sonia,


having been away for surgery myself, i just learned of david's passing.


i am happy that he is at peace but my my heart hurts for all of us whose loved him.

the two of you were such inspirations at Shands.


having met sharon and peter, i was touched to read about their part in his birth.


you and david will both always be in my heart

Sandra Bandoo-Facey London January 16, 2008

Hi Auntie Sonia and family,


A big hug from this branch of the family in London. 


Just remember David has been a great blessing to all.  God smiled on you through him and has only allowed you to cope with what you could bear.


God bless you always.


Lots of love


Veronica My heart goes out to you January 15, 2008

Dear the Bandoo Family,


My heart goes out to each and every one in the family for the loss of someone so utterly amazing as David. Although I never had a chance to meet him from the way everyone speaks of him im certain he was absolutly remarkable. I met much of the family yesterday and based on the unity in which i found everyone and the love i recieved upon arrival i can honestly say that David's blessing must have been his family. I lost my father May of 2006 but it reassured me to know that though he suffered for nearly two years of cancer he was always surrounded by those who love him. So let that be a comfort for you to know that David was always surrounded by those who dearly love and cherish him and that now he joins the Lord who loves him unconditionally. May God always bless your wonderful family.



A. D. Bandoo & Son Cousin January 15, 2008

Dear Aunt Sonia & Family, may God comfort you during this time and our prayers continue.


In Daddy's words when he got sick, "God knows best, and we can not question his decision or be vexed with him". God was ready for him.

I was previlidged to have David as my Cousin, his smile enlightned me.  His death has inspired me to value my loved ones and friends more, as if there is no tomorrow!

May God continue to give you peace and strength.

Luv your neice, Arlene Daliah Bandoo

Ava Lee Moore Sister in the Lord in New Orleans January 13, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo,


Your life and faith in God served as an example to me as a new christian.  Praise the Lord for your life and your testimony.  I thank God for David's life and faith that inspired us all to trust and serve a faithful God.  May you be encouraged today to continue in your faithful service to the Lord. 


Sister Ava Moore and Sons in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Teresa Gawronski His Way is Perfect January 12, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo:


  All the prayers and all the tears for our dear David were never in vain.  David was a precious miracle of God throughout his entire life.  He was a walking testimony of the goodness and faithfulness of God.  I know every day and every moment God kept David was a gift to so many.  It was such a joy to see God raise him up time and time again.  I know you have poured out your life for your dear son.  The prayers that you prayed, the tears you shed and the mountains you had to climb has made you the woman of God you are today.  I hold up your arms in prayer today, my sister.  For there are more mountains to climb and more victories to be won for the Kingdom.  I know the mighty hand of God will uphold you and the presence of the Holy Spirit will comfort you.  Our love and prayers are with you and your family at this time.  One day we will all be  rejoicing and fellowshipping together in heaven! Hallelujah.


Love and Prayers,


Teresa Gawronski & Family

Jose and Caroline Adams Take heart strong warrior January 12, 2008

Dear Sister Sonia,

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.  Praise the Lord for my friend David.  What a triumphant entry he has made into heaven.  For we belive that Jesus died and rose again, and even so David who sleeps in Jesus will God bring with Him!  I watched you care for your son over the years at Shands Hospital.  I know your faith and your labor in prayer.  David fought a good fight.  He is now home with his beloved Lord.


You are in our prayers

Jose and Caroline   

Doris Gilbert David You'll be Missed January 12, 2008

I just want to send my deepest condolences to the Bandoo Family.  Memories keep those we love close to us forever.  Don't be discouraged because God will not only comfort you, but he will see you through this.  David was always full of energy and optimism.  Sometimes during church, I still look up wishing that he will walk through those doors.  I'm so glad that I had the honor and pleasure of getting the chance to know David though.  He always made me laugh.  I will truly miss his remarkable sense of  humor.  Your family is in my thoughts and prayers. 


Doris Gilbert

Mr $ And Mrs Archie Williams 3 You are in our prays January 11, 2008
To the Bandoo family, we are sending our love in our prays to you to let you know that we are praying for you and your family in this time of sorrow. When you came to Gainesville in I meet you in the mall and me in my husband invited you and David to visit the church you in David became a part of the family we was glad that God place yall in our life. In David touch everybody life in the church he was always cheerful you can't come around him sad because he will make you life acting like Ray-Charles he will be deeply miss but never forgotting. Mrs Bandoo we want to let you know that we love.                Love Archie & Angela Williams   1/11/08
Cheryl Haley Friend of Conrad January 11, 2008
God Bless the this family and know that David is in a better place!
James Anderson Deep Sympathy January 11, 2008

Dear Ms. Sonia, Conrad, Howard, Peter, & family; 


No word can really comfort you.  But please know, our deepest prayers and wishes are always with you. Ms. Sonia, Conrad and family we are wishing hope in the midst of sorrow, and comfort in the midst of pain. With deepest sympathy love always. Your family in Brooklyn, New York.


Milton,Pearl, Christine, James and Paulette Anderson

Sister Bandoo Showers of God's love January 10, 2008

Sister Bandoo,


May you continue to embrace the grace of God during this season as I know you have done countless times before  




Bendetta Fleming (Sondra Johnson's daughter)

Bro& Sis Burley& Ivy Fields church friends January 10, 2008

To the Bando family  it is with great sadness that we extend our heartfelt love and sympathy to you all.  We did not know David long but for the time we did know Him we grew to love Him.  He was always so pleasant and sweet to talk to and always had a smile.  He fell asleep here and awoke in His real Home a place called Heaven.  We shall all miss Him  but we know that we shall be united again someday when we  "All get to Heaven, what a day of rejoicing that will be"  God bless you all and remember that God loves you all.

In the Saviours Name   Brother and Sister Fields  January 10th 2007

Stephanie McCree I remember when.. January 10, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo,

  My heart, love, and prayers go out to you during this time.  I was a Brooklyn Tabernacle Christian Education worker when we were at 290 Flatbush Avenue. I remember David well.  Even now a smile is on my face simply because I remember his smile.  Something about David brought joy to my life.  Maybe it was because the prayers of the saints and his own relationship with the lord was so evident in his life that it overflowed into those with whom he came in contact.  And that alone is a strong testament to the fact that his living was not in vain.


Thank you for sharing David with us.

Jackie Smith Our Hope Is In the Lord January 10, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo and family,


Sonia you have always been an encouragement in my life while attending Brooklyn Tabernalce. What a woman of faith you are and a precious mother to David. Your faith in God , His Word and strength have been a sustaining force in David's life.

My prayer is that you and your family experience Jesus' comfort at this most difficult time. Although we suffer separation on Earth, those who serve the Lord have that blessed hope that we will be reunited with our loved ones in the presence of the Lord forever.  "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of His saints" Psalm 116:15. You are in my prayers.

The Vincent Family May God be with you January 10, 2008
May God be with you and your family at this time. When my dad past a couple of months ago there was a little message that help me when I was down, and I would like to share it with you and your family..

"From Me to You"
They say sometimes when things happen in life
And we don't know the reason for it.
We must put it in the hands of the Lord
Never must we ignore it
They say when you lose someone that means so much
And the feelings can't be bared
Put it in the hand of the God Almighty
Think of Memories that we've shared.
When God took you away from us
I t broke our hearts, it couldn't be true.
But what we didn't realize was that what he saw
Was the brilliance, goodness, and love inside of you.
So no longer will we doubt, no longer will we cry
Because we know that you're finally happy.
And as God is your father, he's our father, too.
Surely we will be together again as one big happy
You and your family will forever be in our prayers,  Love Darnell and Sumiko Vincent and Family
Aunty Alice A TRIBUTE January 9, 2008

God saw that you were getting tired and a cure was not to be, So the good lord placed his gentle arms around you and whispered im ready and waiting with open arms to welcome you home to everlasting rest where pain does not exisit but surronded by heavenly beauty .Even though we darley love and miss you god first love you a golden heart stop beaten god only takes the very best to be with him in glory.god rest your soul ♥♥♥FROM THE CAMMACK FAMILY,ALICE,SIMON,AMELIA,WAYNE,SHELLY,CHANELL,SHAREENA SELIENA, MILLY,DANTE`,BRANDON, DONOVAN & ISAIAH

Hubert Evans brother-in-law January 9, 2008

David you surely will be missed and i will never forget you.

I remember the times we spent together. You always made

me laugh and I'll never forget those dayz. I love you and

miss you; you will always have a special place in my heart.

I will see you again one day when we meet up in heaven.

                                                 Your brother-in-law,


The Quintyne Family Psalm 121:2-5a, 7-8 January 9, 2008

Sister Bandoo and family, I pray that these words provide you with comfort. May they strengthen and encourage your hearts. - Love, Susan


2: {Your} help comes from the Lord,

who made the heavens and the earth!

3: He will not let you stumble and fall;

the one who watches over you will not sleep.

4: Indeed He who watches over Israel

never tires and never sleeps.

5: The Lord Himself watches over you!

The Lord stands beside you...

7: The Lord keeps you from all evil

and preserves your life.

8: The Lord keeps watch over you as you come and go,

both now and forever.





The Edwards Prayers and Reflections January 9, 2008

  Sister Bandoo and Family,

  It was a blessing knowing David for many years,it seem like yeasterday he was a boy. Thank God for keeping him in spite of physical problems. David was a couragious servant for the Lord. Thank God for you for keeping your faith strong in the Lord. You are an example of perservance and strength.

God's promise to you "Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"  "The Lord is my helper" Hebrew 13:5,6


Wayne, Sandra & Kimberly Stewa Praying For You and Your Family January 9, 2008

Sis. Bandoo:


You are like Mary, who was entrusted with a life that would change the lives of those around Him.  Although Mary knew (as well as yourself) that this precious life would soon be cut short, His departure (like David's) was still heart-wrenching for her, as it is for you.  Please know that our thoughts, prayers and love go out to you at this most difficult time.  May God's  comforting arms embrace you as never before!!


Much love,

Wayne, Sandra & Kimberly

Denise To Sharon and family January 9, 2008

May God be with you in your time of sorrow, just remember I am here whenever you need me.  I will continue to pray for you and yours.



Love always,

Denise and family4

Fiona Chance To be with our Lord January 9, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo,


I am deeply saddened by the news of David.  I thank God that he gave me the opportunity to see him before he took him home.  Bumping into you in Florida (supermarket) last year was quite surprising but I know now that God wanted me to see David one last time.  I pray that God will hold you up during this time and give you comfort and peace to make it through this dark moment.

We can rejoice in the fact that we will see David again.   He has gone home to be with his Lord.   No longer will he suffer.  He has been freed from all the pain and suffering.    My son and I will continue to keep you and your family in our prayers.


May God richly bless you. 


We love you.


Fiona and Cameron

Jose & Lisa Arroyo A blessing to have known you... January 9, 2008

We're sending our condolences to Sister Bandoo and family,

May the  blessings and peace of God surpass all understanding, for you and your family. You will be in our prayers.    

Barbara Williams David's Transplant Coordinator January 9, 2008

Dear Sonya,


I am so sorry for the terrible pain you are enduring at this most difficult time. There is nothing harder than loosing your beloved child. You have been an incredible mother and spiritual inspiration to David. He looked to you for all help and understanding and knew he could count on you for all things. How much more could any mother bring to the life of their child? Be comforted that David is in the arms of our Lord and his suffering is over. He will be watching over you now. He will want to see a return of joy and smiles to your life. Perhaps you can find an avenue for sharing your experiences with David with others. I hope you will stay in touch so we all may know how your life is going. You and your family are all in my prayers. May the Lord's peace be with you always.

Miriam Hunt My Heart Cries with You. January 9, 2008

Sister Bandoo

I'm a total witness

In  Jesus arms we are Comforted! For who could know the deepest parts of us but Our Savior. A place that No One can mend that no words can heal Oh But Jesus... Our Friend Our Comforter!! The memories of birth the memories of laughter the memories of boo.boos. The correcting times the just pondering times. The what IF's .The I could have's. The Battle is over We've Won Again! We continue to run this race as best we could and no one can stop us because we have a PROMISE that we shall see our LOVE ONES again. So I live to continue to do what David did and what Monique did when it came to Jesus and Souls. So Rest In His Loving Arms remembering the Promise. Don't stop crying it's okay don't forget to laugh like he did..and do some of that fun stuff he liked it's okay God understands and we shall be caught up to meet Him in the air.... Run The Race to the Finish.

Love  You  So Much 

The Hunts.

Chuck Garcia Friend of Sharon January 8, 2008
My Dear Sharon and family,
I offer you my sincerest sorrows and at the same time the comfort in knowing that David is celebrating his presence with the Lord. My hope is that you will all remember David not only in the photos you have or the memories you share, but the goodness and qualities of David that you see in each member of your family. It is those similarities that will keep David here close to you, close to your heart forever.
Gerry Jackson Sharon's cousin January 8, 2008
Hi to the Bandoo family, it is a sad moment that we all have to experience at sometime in all our lives.  I hope that we can all be strong in these times and with  strength and faith in the Lord our Father we will have the guidance that we all need to make anything happen. I met David years ago at my cousins wedding in California.  David came across as a very fun loving, kind, likable and sincere person that everyone seemed to be drawn to. I only wished that I could had a chance to get to know him better over time. I remember how caring his mother Sonia was and I know that a lot of the strength that he had came directly from her amazing power, faith and believe in what is capable if we just have faith. David was able to overcome many obstacles in the time that he spent with us in this world.  He is in a better place at this time and we will all miss him. The world as lost another amazing person. May God bless him and his family and give us all the strength to move on with life without another blessed angel that has gone to a better place. May the Lord bless you and keep his memories close to all of us. Love to you all and love you my dearest Cousin Sharon. I wish you and your family the comfort of knowing that there are many people out there that really care about you in your time of sorrow. Love to all...... Gerry
 God bless.       
Jean Pascascio Church member & Friend January 8, 2008
Sister Bandoo & Family,  Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not unto thine own understanding. David is now resting in the arms of the Lord. There is no more pain and suffering.  I can hear him singing, No matter what may come my way, My life is in Gods hands.  It was a great pleasure knowing David.  He always knew how to make you laugh.  Remember weeping may endure for a night, but Joy comes in the morning. I know that I will see David again.                                                                                                                                                                             My Prayers are with you and your family
Ivette Sosa & Family Heartfelt condolences January 8, 2008

To Sonia & Family,



Ivette Sosa & Family Our sincere Condolences January 8, 2008

Dear Sister Bandoo,


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